Hello and thank you for visiting my photography blog. I am located in the Birmingham, Al area. I specialize in maternity, birth, newborn, family, and wedding photography. For information on photography sessions please visit my website www.lyndseycunninghamphotography.com or contact me at lyndsey@lyndseycunninghamphotography.com

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Birmingham, AL family photographer

Look how big Mr. Grayson is getting. He is such a sweet boy!!! It is hard to believe he is 6 months old. He is going to be one before we know it. He is a mommy and daddy's boy. He is sitting up so well, and smiles all the time. I had a great time photographing him with his mommy and Daddy.

1 comment:

  1. oh gosh he is getting so big its hard to believe he is already 6 mo. old i swear she just had him yesterday...or better yet i yet when she said she was pregnant!! These pictures are great and so beautiful!!!
